Light bulb reflector
Light bulb reflector

Nonetheless, these reflector bulbs usually have an expensive price tag and this is why it is essential to take your time and compare bulbs in order to get the best value for your money. Moreover, given the fact that they are readily dimmable and directional, they are the perfect choice for reflector lamps for desks. LED reflector lamps have several advantages in terms of aesthetics and performance, because they are very small and compact yet powerful enough to provide a continuous flow of quality light.

light bulb reflector

Besides, CFL reflector bulbs cannot focus the light in a concentrated manner, thus appearing dimmer to most consumers. LED reflectors are different than CFL reflectors because the latter are not dimmable, meaning that you cannot reduce the amount of light as much as you wish, you can only turn the light on an off. Also, LED reflector lights are more consumer-friendly, this is a win-win situation both for the consumer and for the environment. The light provided by the reflector bulb can be either whiter or cooler in color. Just like the regular LED bulbs, LED reflector bulbs have a lifespan if around 30,000 hours (over 20 years), they produce considerably less heat and they can resist in harsh weather conditions. Moreover, the lamp lifetime is also increased and the payback period (the return on investment) is of several months. Until several years ago, people have used incandescent bulbs for their lighting needs – however, these bulbs have been replaced by LED reflector bulbs which are just as efficient, but they are considerably more energy-effective. The reflector bulbs can be either spotlights (they concentrate the light in the form of a narrow cone) or floodlights (which provide a more diffuse light).

light bulb reflector

LED reflector bulbs are different from the conventional light emitting diodes because they reflect light in a certain direction.

Light bulb reflector